Honeywell Fire Sentry Brand Flame Detector Products

  • Type of Notification: Performance Related Concern
  • FM Approval Status: Not FM Approved

FM Approvals has been made aware of a manufacturing defect that affects the performance of certain Fire Sentry brand flame detector products.

Company Identity: Honeywell Analytics

Address: 405 Barclay Boulevard, Lincolnshire, Illinois 60069-3609, USA

Contact information: Service Centers

Americas: Tel: +1 847 955 8200

Toll Free: +1 800 538 0363

Asia Pacific: Tel: +82 (0) 2 6909 0300

Tel: 0800 333 222 44 (Freephone Number)

Tel: +41 44 943 4380 (Alternative Number)

Product Identity: Models SS4, SS2, FS7, FS10R

Description: Flame Detectors

FM Approval Status: All models bearing the FM Mark

Hazard Involved

Serial numbers of the products in question, as indicated in the attached Honeywell Product Safety Notice, have been manufactured using a faulty integrated circuit (IC) device. In certain instances, use of these flame detectors may result in improper operation over a period of time, including false alarms, abnormal LED functionality and, in limited instances, failure to detect. Therefore, it is advisable that all flame detectors specified in the attached Product Safety Notice be returned to Honeywell for replacement.

As indicated in the attached Product Safety Notice, please contact your local Honeywell service office for immediate replacement and follow the recommendations under ‘Action requested’.

Using This Product?

If you suspect that you are in possession of a Flame Detector within the identified serial number range bearing the FM Approvals certification marking, please bring that to the attention of:

Antonio Pires

Norwood, MA, United States

+1 (1) 781-255-4825
