Counterfeit Globe Fire Sprinkler Corporation Automatic Fire Sprinklers

  • Type of Notification: Counterfeiting
  • FM Approval Status: Not FM Approved

Alert Summary

FM Approvals has recently learned that two models of Globe Fire Sprinkler Corporation (Globe) automatic fire sprinklers have been counterfeited and distributed in the North Africa/Middle East market. The counterfeit sprinklers were found in the country of Egypt. Please see Table 1 below for a list of models and descriptions of the sprinklers found to be counterfeit. There are several telltale indicators that differentiate the counterfeit from the authentic sprinklers. The photographs below illustrate these differences.


NX005/GL5651, GL5661

*Globe does not make an NX005 model. An authentic GL5651, which has similar attributes to the counterfeit NX005 was used for comparison

Geographic Areas Affected


Using This Product?

If you suspect you are in possession of any of the affected equipment listed above bearing the FM Approvals certification marking, please bring that to the attention of:

Robert Lovell

Norwood, MA, United States

+1 (1) 781-255-4820
