Performance Related Concern for Clarke Fire Protection Products Inc./Clarke Fire Protection Products Ltd. Diesel Engine Fire Pump Driver Wiring Harness

  • Type of Notification: Performance Related Concern
  • FM Approval Status: FM Approved

FM Approvals has been made aware of an issue that could cause certain diesel engine fire pump drivers to fail to start.

Company Identity:  Clarke Fire Protection Products Inc/Clarke Fire Protection Products Ltd

Address: 100 Progress Place, Cincinnati, OH/Grange Works, Lomond Road, Coatbridge, Scotland

Contact Information: Customer Support at or call (513) 475-3473 (US) or 44-1236-429-946 (UK)

Product Identity: Clarke Diesel Fire Pump Driver

Make/Model: CAT18H0-xxxxxx-xxxx or C18H0-xxxxxx

Nameplate Data: Date of manufacture between June 2019 and Feb 2020 (58 total)

FM Approval Status: FM Approved

Hazard Involved: Clarke has discovered that the identified engines with the original engine control module (ECM) wiring harnesses have the potential to fail to start under certain conditions related to battery voltage. The engine would show an ECM fault code, switch to the alternate ECM, attempt to start again, show a second ECM fault code, and then finally stop attempting to start the engine. This would leave the fire protection system without a functioning fire pump.

A replacement wiring harness is available from Clarke that will solve the problem. Clarke should be contacted so an authorized service provider can install 2 new replacement wiring harnesses.  The new harness part numbers are C072740 revB and C072742 revB.

Using this product?

If you suspect you are in possession of a CAT18 or C18 engine made in the date range above and bearing the FM Approvals certification marking, please bring that to the attention of:

Antonio Pires

Norwood, MA, United States

+1 (1) 781-255-4825
